Kenya - Enquire Now +254 (0)743144753

HTML Fundamentals

HTML is a common language used for website creation. If you’re aspiring towards a career as a Web Developer or Web Designer then having practical experience and proven knowledge in this skill is essential and this course will teach you the basics to help you build attention-grabbing websites.

Is this for you?

This HTML course is for anyone aspiring to work as a Web Designer or Web Developer, and who wants to gain a good grounding in this common web language. This course is suitable for those with no prior experience of HTML coding as it will teach you the basic principles and components of HTML.

Award and Associated Qualifications

Awarded 20 CPD points upon successful completion

Start Date


Study Type

or a combination, Online, in centre

Training Type



Around 20 hours

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About this course

Web design is a thriving industry and with that comes the need for a skilled, knowledgeable web development team. If you’re interested in a web design career HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is something you’ll need to have a good understanding of to help you build attractive, eye-catching websites.

This HTML Fundamentals course will take you from beginner level and help you learn what HTML is and how to write basic HTML code to help build a web page.

You can study this course online and it will take around 20 hours to complete. There are two sessions within this HTML course covering the following:

Session 1 – Getting started, HTML Fundamentals, Formatting Text, Images and Colour, Links, Tables.

Session 2 – Frames, Cascading Style Sheets, CSS Text Formatting, CSS Layout Attributes, Multimedia, Forms.

Aims and Objectives


Finance Options

Career Path

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    What's the difference?

    We offer a range of training packages in a range of subject areas and can offer blended learning opportunities to best meet your needs


    Our courses are practical in nature and focus on a single subject and can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days.


    Diplomas are designed to give you a complete skillset mapped to a specific career path and contain a number of core and elective courses