Moving on from an educational environment to the workplace is always going to be a daunting task and something that'll take a lot of getting used to. Gone are the days of sleeping in until the early afternoon, procrastinating any work until the very last minute, avoiding any human interaction for days and taking regular Netflix breaks, you've now entered the working world where EVERYTHING is different. Here are a few little tips to help ease into the transition smoothly:
Routines for both home and work: Working for 40 hours or more each week is no mean feat and it can quickly take its toll so we recommend that you get into a routine as quickly as possible. Adopt a regular bedtime that allows you to have at least 7/8 hours of sleep a night. Wake up feeling refreshed and ready to work for the day.
For the first few weeks, organise social plans for the weekends or during the holidays so they don't interrupt your routine. Planning for this will ensure great productivity at work and make sure your performance is at its highest level.
Stamina: While in school or college, you would have been used to late-starting classes or frequent days off. You may have even skipped your 9am seminar once or twice without any repercussions. However, the days of waking up at 1pm and napping at 3pm are over! Now you have to get used to the fact that you could be working from as early as 6am until as late as 7, 8 or 9pm. Say goodbye to those mid-afternoon Netflix breaks! Again, getting through the day is down to making sure you eat right and exercise regularly to stay wide awake.
There's no rite of passage: Just because you're coming out of school with a possible array of qualifications and achievements, it doesn't mean that you're entitled to a job. Don't assume that any job is beneath you because 90% of the time, it's not. When you graduate or leave school, you'll probably have to go into a job at entry level and work your way up. There's no shame in climbing the ladder! Similarly, don't wholly rely on the internet to find job information. Ask around your friends and family to see if they know of any jobs available and if they'd be suited to you.
Different People: At school or university, you're used to being surrounded by people that are mainly from your own age group. In the workplace, it's likely that there'll be generational differences and you'll have to become accustomed to people that might not have the same interests as you or don't have Intel on the most up to date things on social media etc. Therefore, you have to be mindful and respectful of people's interests and hobbies. Get to know them so you can create a good work/social network to make your job more enjoyable and actively refrain from isolating yourself.
Time Management: Being in a regular job means you have to attempt to manage your time efficiently and fit plans around your working schedule. For example, you would usually use weekends for any social plans and gatherings but with the limited time you now have, you have to try and fit exercise, events, celebrations, errands and rest into (only!) two days. Not long is it? Either way, make good use of the weekend and don't treat them as days to slob around your house. Make plans and thoroughly enjoy your free time! After all, a Sunday well spent brings a week of content...
Don't forget about social media: When you start working, there's absolutely no doubt that there will be people trying to contact you through various different means of communication. Obviously, ensure you have a telephone number and e-mail address that people can reach you on. Similarly, make sure you delve into the world of business social media. Make yourself a Twitter and LinkedIn account so you can keep up to date with the latest news and events going on generally and in business! Make sure you also have a Skype account in case there are possibilities of video calls etc. By doing all of this, you're making yourself accessible to your fellow colleagues and clients.
Remember, going into the workplace is only as unnerving as you make it and it'll always take a little bit of time to adjust to the change. Follow these tips and the experience will be made a lot easier.
If you have any tips of your own we’d love to hear them!